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Create A Legacy


LIFE & LEGACY, a signature program of the Harold Grinspoon Foundation, is a program to help ensure Jewish tomorrows. Temple Beth Emet was chosen, along with 13 other local Jewish organizations by the Jewish Federation of Broward County to participate in this program.

Everyone, regardless of age, wealth or affiliation has the ability to leave a legacy and the Life & Legacy process is very easy. It all starts with a conversation.

If you have already named Temple Beth Emet as a beneficiary, please let us know, as you are already a LIFE & LEGACY donor. If not, please consider becoming a LIFE & LEGACY donor by contacting the Temple Office.


Bequests: Make a donation to Temple Beth Emet while preserving your assets during your lifetime. A gift may be a dollar amount, a specific asset, a percentage or the remainder of your estate once all other bequests have been satisfied.

Charitable Trusts: You can leave a donation to Temple Beth Emet through a charitable remainder or lead trust by naming Temple Beth Emet as the beneficiary.

Life Insurance Policies: Designate Temple Beth Emet as a beneficiary of a life insurance policy and if ownership of a policy is transferred to Temple Beth Emet during your lifetime, receive an income tax charitable deduction.

Retirement Plans: Designate Temple Beth Emet as an after-death beneficiary of your IRA or other qualified retirement plans and make a tax-free estate gift.

Alternative Assets: Donations can be received in the form of a residence-real property, charitable gift annuity, cash or other assets.

Charitable Gift Annuities: This gift generates an immediate tax deduction and part of each annual payment that you receive my be tax free for a number of years.

Charitable Lead Trusts: Through a lead trust, TBE is allowed to use your gift immediately while reserving future benefits for family members.

Stock & Appreciated Assets: This gift, including appreciated shares of mutual funds, may be made at a remarkable low after-tax cost


Life and Legacy Commitment Form

For more info please contact Laura Goodman, Director of Engagement and Programming, 
954-680-1882 or 




  • Anonymous Donors (13+)
  • Gayle Abbondandolo
  • Michael & Lauri Bernstein
  • Barry Blecker
  • Rebecca Brownstein
  • Gary Cayne
  • Charles & Robyn Cutler
  • Rabbi Frank & Sarah DeWoskin
  • Mark & Linda Eichel
  • Steven & Rayna Engle
  • Mackie & Aimee Feierstein
  • Susan Engelson Friefeld
  • David Epstein
  • Michael Geller
  • Mark & Michelle Glater
  • Brian & Michelle z"l Goldberg
  • Rabbi Bennett & Karen Greenspon
  • Laura Goodman
  • Sylvia Hausman
  • Scott & Elizabeth Jacobs
  • Robert & Kathy Klausner
  • Susan & David Kraizgrun
  • Howard & Sara Lipman
  • Brian London
  • Adam McCord
  • Vivian McCord
  • Adam Nadel
  • Jordan & Arielle Nadel
  • Lewis & Nancy Nadel
  • Mark & Lin Nash
  • Marta & Randy Paul
  • Alyssa & Lee Quittner
  • Barry z"l & Anita Rose
  • Donna Ruhl
  • Eric & Robin Steinman
  • Donna & Skip Straus
  • Robin Tepper
  • Ben Tobias
  • Marshall Weinberg z"l
  • Marc Weiss z"l
  • Lori and Seth Wise
  • The Esther Ragosin Charitable Foundation
    *Names that are bold have formalized their gifts to Temple Beth Emet


Our family became part of the Temple Beth Emet community in 2011 and were welcomed with open arms and hearts. Our children have grown up in the schools, camps and youth groups here. We are two people intensely dedicated to successful Jewish continuity. We are Jewish professionals, we are parents to three teenagers whom we raise steeped in the values of our tradition and we are humans, always traveling on our own personal Jewish journeys.
Our wish for the Jewish community of the future is that it is one where all feel welcome and served, and all feel pride in its existence and responsibility toward its success. We choose to make this legacy gift to do our part in ensuring that Beth Emet is around for many generations to come. May it always be a place of innovation, Jewish exploration and special connections.

Frank & Sarah DeWoskin

My husband & I made the decision to leave a Life and Legacy Gift because Temple Beth Emet has been a critical part of our lives for over 35 years. Our children were named there, attended pre-school and religious school, had their Bat/Bar Mitzvahs and attended Confirmation. Our Rabbi later married our daughter who he had named as an infant. The temple has been " a second home for us." It provides spirituality, education and encourages philanthropy.  
My father-in-law was put into a concentration camp at age 13. He spent 4 years there and lost most of his family. It is imperative that we ensure the survival of our Jewish communities and remind future generations that they "must never forget these horrible atrocities." I served on the board at the temple and later became its president. I encourage everyone to give back, perform Mitzvot and to give a gift to the Life and Legacy campaign.

Susan & David Kraizgrun

It is very important to me that I participated in the Life & Legacy Program. I was born in New York. My grandparents arrived from Germany and Russia in the 1890’s and 1920’s respectively. I was lucky to be able to know all 4 grandparents who taught me the meaning of being a good and kind Jewish person.  It was very important to them that I understood about my Jewish heritage. I believe I taught our heritage to my daughter and son, through the “family” of Temple Beth Emet.  I want to know that future generations will have the same opportunities that I and my children had. Where there is the feeling of security and support by being part of the Jewish community.

Robin Tepper

Through my years of volunteering, annual financial commitments and my “Legacy Gift,” my family & I stay involved ensuring Temple Beth Emet will be here for future generations. Together, we can leave a legacy, achieve L’dor V’dor, and keep the spirit of Temple Beth Emet thriving by making a Legacy Gift.

Mark Glater

At age 56, a head injury from a car accident ended and rendered my 6 days a week as CPA totally without structure. TBE availed me of a weekly choir practice, soon, thereafter, the weekly Tuesday AM Bookie group meeting, frequent Shabbat services, Board of Directors meetings, followed by weekly Judaism classes and “Inquiring (senior) Minds”.
In addition to the Jewish learning and the spiritual enrichment which Temple Beth Emet activities have afforded me, in addition to the friendships and comradeships I have made along the way, I have welcomed Temple Beth Emet, as, in effect, my home away from home for more than 20 years.
For these reasons, I am very eager and very proud to participate in the Temple Beth Emet Life and Legacy program. It in my intent that this gift will help insure that Temple Beth Emet will continue to provide to the community the religious, education, social, and humanitarian environment it has so nobly and generously provided over the past 40+ years.         


Barry Blecker

As passionate supporters of Temple Beth Emet, my wife and I made the heartfelt decision to bequeath funds to the Life & Legacy program. Our choice was driven by a deep appreciation for the vital role this institution plays in fostering a vibrant and inclusive Jewish community.  Temple Beth Emet has been our spiritual home for many years, providing us with a nurturing environment to practice and celebrate our faith. We have witnessed firsthand the profound impact of their programs, educational initiatives, and compassionate outreach efforts on individuals of all ages.  The Life & Legacy program stood out to us as an exceptional opportunity to leave a lasting legacy for future generations. By designating a portion of our estate to this program, we aim to ensure the continuity of the temple's mission and its ability to serve the community with unwavering dedication.  We firmly believe in the power of philanthropy and the importance of investing in organizations that align with our values. Choosing to support the Life & Legacy program at Temple Beth Emet was a natural decision for us, driven by our desire to create a lasting impact and contribute to the strength and longevity of our beloved community.

Eric & Robin Steinman

Our family joined Temple Beth Emet in 2008 and we were welcomed by everyone immediately. Our children have grown up in the schools, summer camps and have had their Bat/Bar Mitzvahs and attended Confirmation here.  TBE is our family and it has given us a spiritual connection of acceptance and support.  Some of our closest friendships started at Temple Beth Emet.  The Life and Legacy program is a natural place for us to designate a portion of our estate to ensure the lasting legacy for future generations. We want to do our part in making sure Beth Emet will thrive in our community for many years to come.  Our family is heavily involved with philanthropy and our children know the importance of investing in organizations in need.  And TBE is at the top of our list!

Scott & Elizabeth Jacobs

We decided to leave a Life and Legacy Gift largely due to the fact that Beth Emet has been part of our lives for nearly the entire time we have lived in Cooper City after moving from Miami. We started getting involved by volunteering for Mitzvah Day as a family. We attended the High Holiday and Shabbat services throughout the years. It was so nice seeing so many of our friends there as well. Our children, Cory and Lindsey, attended the religious school and had their bar and bat mitzvah there and attended the Youth Group. I had a great ten year run as a 4th and 5th grade teacher at the amazing Beth Emet School! I had the honor of being named Outstanding Jewish Educator while working there. When I was given the opportunity to study in Israel, the Temple encouraged me to go and supported my trip. Both our children have worked in the summer camp program. We have enjoyed attending the many festivities at the Temple
such as the fun galas and Nosh Fests. My husband loves serving on the board, and especially participating in the poker tournaments. Therefore,
leaving a Life and Legacy gift was an excellent next step. It will be a wonderful thing to leave behind the memories of how our family was connected to the Jewish community through Temple Beth Emet and inspire others to do the same.

Randy & Marta Paul

Temple Beth Emet has been a part of the Bernstein Family since the beginning.  We have raised our children in the TBE religious school and our children were Bar and Bat Mitzvah.  Our children continued in Temple to confirmation.  Our blessings continued with both of our children married by Rabbi Bennett Greenspon.  The Temple has been part of all life cycle events including the passing of our parents.  We are forever grateful that Temple Beth Emet has been and will continue to be part of our lives.  Our legacy gift is our way of saying Thank You!

Mike & Lauri Bernstein

Tue, March 25 2025 25 Adar 5785