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Tzedakah is the great Jewish tradition of contributing from individual resources toward the good of the whole community. Rabbinic teaching informs us that the construction of the Temple was not completed until everyone had contributed to the effort, and that the very strength of the community was dependent upon the good will and donations of each and every one of our ancestors. At Temple Beth Emet, we honor that tradition, and treasure each and every gift to strengthen our sacred Jewish community.   

Your generous gift is very much appreciated!

Click donate button to make your generous contribution with credit card, ACH or google pay.

List of Funds


Andrew Siler Playground Fund  - Provides Beth Emet Early Childhood Center and Beth Emet School additional money to enhance their playground equipment.

Beth Emet School Fund Early Childhood Center Fund  • Religious School Fund :       These funds help to purchase non-budgeted items, subsidize programs and aid students with scholarship.

Connie Ashey Early Childhood Scholarship Fund - Provides scholarship money to early childhood students with special needs.

Jonathan Adario Prevention Education Fund  - Provides Merkaz Limud and Beth Emet School with Drug Awareness Education Programs.

Joyce & Paul Mutnick Education Fund  - Provides Beth Emet Early Childhood Center and Beth Emet School with funds for education.

Mark Weiss Technology Fund- Donations are used to help provide a future for Temple Beth Emet.

Shirley Wolfe Library Fund - Provides our school with materials and items needed for the library.


High Holiday Fund • Chanukah Appeal  • Passover Appeal


Camp Scholarship Fund   • Choir Fund  •  Sisterhood Fund   Teen Camp Fund  • Youth Group Fund:  These funds help to purchase non-budgeted items, subsidize programs and aid those who need scholarship.


Rabbi Bennett Greenspon's Discretionary Fund   • Rabbi Frank DeWoskin's Discretionary Fund - These funds enable the rabbis to assist with any need that comes to their attention: a financial problem, scholarships and special programs. Many are helped with the monies donated to this fund.


Special Fund Name -  Name a fund in memory of a loved one


Building Donation Fund - Donations are used to help Temple Beth Emet make upgrades to our facility.

Erv Nadler Scholarship Fund - Donations are used to help give scholarship to those in need.

General Fund - Donations are used to help Temple Beth Emet provide programs and services to TBE members each year.

Prayer Book /Torah Restoration Fund - This is our only means of providing new Siddurim (Prayer books) & Chumashim (Torahs) for the sanctuary.

Security Fund - Donations are used to help Temple Beth Emet provide security to our members.

The Past Presidents Fund

Yahrzeit Fund  Make a donation in honor of a loved one who has passed.


Sat, March 8 2025 8 Adar 5785