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Yizkor Book

4807 South Flamingo Road ~ Cooper City, Florida   33330
Phone: 954-680-1882 ~ Web Site:

Our tradition tells us that we pay homage to our deceased loved ones by remembering them, by living our lives in a befitting manner, by lighting yahrzeit candles, by praying and by performing acts of tzedakah on their behalf.

You can honor and remember your loved ones by listing them in our High Holy Day Yizkor Memorial Book. This book will be available for pick-up after the Yom Kippur Yizkor Services (if requested) and virtually by request (see below).

We ask that you consider making a tzedakah contribution to help cover the cost of printing the Yizkor Memorial Book and to help provide scholarships for children in need. Traditionally, a multiple of Chai, $18 per name, is appropriate. Whatever you do will be greatly appreciated.

The High Holy Days are fast approaching. Please respond by September 13, 2024 so the name(s) of your loved one(s) are able to be in the book.

Early wishes for a sweet and good year…… Shana Tovah!


Please list the following relatives and friends in the 5784 Memorial Book. 

The donation above helps print Temple Beth Emet's Memorial Book and to provide scholarships. 


Credit card payments incur a 3% finance fee. There are no additional charges for Debit or ACH.
Wed, February 5 2025 7 Sh'vat 5785