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ECC Payment Policies

  • Registration must be accompanied by a non-refundable, non-transferable $200 Registration Fee (per child) and a $1,000 Tuition Deposit (per child).
  • $800 Security Service Fee (per family) will be added to your monthly tuition.
  • We require a credit card to be kept on file. The credit card will be charged on the 15th of the month for any outstanding payments that are due. There is a 3% convenience fee for all credit card transactions. 
  • Tuition is an annual fee. Payment can be made in full or in 10 monthly installments. 
  • Tiny Tots, Ready Set Go, Pre-Nursery, Nursery and Pre-K tuition is to be paid in ten equal installments August- May.
  • There are no refunds or credits due to illness or absence.
  • There is a $35 late fee if payment is not made by the 10th of the month, unless arrangements have been made in advance.
  • There will be a $1.00 fee for every minute that a child is here after the school is closed.
  • Any drop in Extended Care Fees will be automatically billed to the credit card on file at a rate of $15 per hour or any part of an hour. 
  • Sibling Discount There is a $500 discount for ECC students with siblings in Early Childhood Center, Elementary or Middle School siblings. (Excluding Tiny Tots)

ECC Registration Policy

  • If you would like your child to be placed in a class with a specific friend, please send written request to the office by July 1, 2025. We will accept one friend request per child. The request must be mutual and in writing. While we cannot guarantee such requests, we will do our best to fulfill them if we feel they are in the best interest of the children.
  • Children are placed in classes at the discretion of the Directors. There are many factors that determine placement. Our most important goal is to provide the best learning experience for each child. Other considerations are individual needs, date of enrollment, class size, boy/girl ratio, birth dates, dismissal times and combinations of children in a room. The administration alone is responsible for class placement, and teacher requests are not accepted or promised. I understand that I may not request a teacher. 

Withdrawal Policy

  • Thirty-day notice is required.
  • Payee is responsible for 20% of the remaining tuition balance.
  • If withdrawal is made with less than 30 days notice, there is no refund or transfer of tuition and fees.

Financial Assistance Policy

Requests for financial assistance will be addressed on a need basis and as funds are available. All requests are kept confidential. Financial assistance requests will be reviewed only when accompanied with your most recent 1040 tax return (if possible please black out your social security number). If necessary attach a personal letter describing your families circumstances. Applications are due by January 24,2025. If returned after this date, funds will be limited. Financial Assistance Application 25-26

Other sources of financial assistance include:

Sun, March 9 2025 9 Adar 5785